Instruktøren James Cameron er atter engang begyndt at røre på sig.
Ifølge Coming Soon! skulle han være i gang med et helt nyt projekt, som han desværre ikke vil afsløre meget af, andet end at det er en stor film med et stort budget.
Projektet vil ifølge Cameron blive en science-fiction film med de nyeste CGI-effekter. Filmen vil blive lavet i HD digital 3D, ligesom hans seneste projekt, dokumentarfilmen om Titanic, “Ghosts of the Abyss”.
#21 azathoth 21 år siden
#22 filmz-Nosferatu 21 år siden
På amazon har en bruger skrevet dette om galaxies:
Barry Malzberg's book "Galaxies" may have worked more effectively as a short story (it is essentially an expansion of his story "A Galaxy Called Rome"), but this is still the most self-reflective/metafictional SF novel ever written. It is a groundbreaking book, well worth reading.
Actually, this book isn't a book at all but notes on a book which the author will never have the skill to actually write. He admits as much from the very beginning, and then asks us to consider the plight of an intergalactic astronaut who is caught in a black galaxy, a negative space, the underside of reality, etc. The dead, her cargo, begin to talk. All the way we are kept one or two steps removed from the action, in order to more clearly see what this action truly reflects.
Malzberg's book isn't for everyone, but if you're looking for an SF equivalent of John Barth's "Lost in the Funhouse," this is it.
#23 T-1000 21 år siden
#24 Patriarch 21 år siden
#25 Hasselguff 21 år siden
#26 Tylerdurden 21 år siden
#27 Æsop9000 21 år siden